Welcome to Foriam Farms! We are a small operation farm with 15 resident Nigerian Dwarf goats. During kidding season this number swells anywhere from 33-44 goats total! Our love for goats started in 2016 when we moved onto a piece of property with 3 ½ acres with a fenced pasture already in place. We thought it might be fun to have a couple goats as pets, as well as keep the grass down in the pasture. We looked at a couple different breeds, then quickly realized that Nigerian Dwarfs were just the breed we wanted!

We stared out with 1 doe and 1 buck, but after a few years, we decided to expand our herd and introduce some new bloodlines. We added several more does (with coats of all different colors) and added 1 additional buck from breeders all over OR and WA. We wanted to begin breeding and selling our goat kids as a hobby to pay for their expenses & upkeep. Also, we’ve found how rewarding it is to spread the joy and love of owning goats, to other families. Check out our GOATS (hyperlink) tab to learn more about the Nigerian Dwarf breed, and their care.

Now fast-forward to a few years later and we are goat-obsessed! We’ve fallen in love with these sweet little four-legged creatures and we can’t imagine our lives without them. We spend time with them every day caring for them, teaching new tricks and simply loving on them. We know each of our goats by their cry and usually know what they want when they call for us. Ok, usually it’s food.. but sometimes it’s scratches and love too!

One day out on the pasture, I crouched over to pick up a food scoop that dropped to the ground, and Hollie (one of our Does), decided to jump off the wooden play structure onto my back. I froze and kept my back straight to see how long she would stand on me. She stayed there until I decided to move, then she jumped down. Justin and I cracked up over it! Now, (with some practice and a little prompting) many of our small to medium-sized goats will jump on our backs anytime we’re crouched over near their play structure or if we’re kneeled close to the ground.

We live on a semi-busy street and someone drove by and yelled ‘goat yoga’ really loud while a goat was on my back one day and I laughed out loud! Then the thought entered my mind.. “what if we were to host goat yoga at our house?” So.. thank you random person who drove by that sunny day and shouted that! Ha ha.. We are making that thought into a reality! Check out our EVENTS (hyperlink) tab to sign up for a seasonal goat yoga class and to check out our farm!

Lastly but most importantly, we LOVE Jesus and we dedicate everything we do in our lives and on our farm to Him. It’s where we arrived at the name ‘For I Am’ Farms. We do this for Him. We are incredibly blessed by the Lord and are very thankful that we get to own a little slice of heaven here on earth with our beautiful little goat babies!